Kinis Mr. Redoblado perting liwata sa iyahang idolo nga Presidente, basta mapiit na gani to specifically identify particular details para ma-confirm or deny, tuyok/liko dayon.
This is now the kind of discourse we have in this country.
Note: The issue for me is not whether Atty. Banoc called Cong. Gary Alejano “nalisoan sa pangutok kay natagak sa kabayo” on some other time – certainly it his within his right to do that – but whether he said it AFTER an interview, which to me is an unkind thing to do. The 2nd scenario is the claim of Mr. Redoblado anyway, and could easily be debunked by reference to the recorded files of the interview or the attestation of persons who had heard the interview. In fact, at least one person who had heard the interview had already personally assured me that such thing did not happen. The 1st scenario is practically impossible to confirm or deny without particularity.
Disclaimers: I co-anchor a one-hour weekly radio program at DYHP which Atty. Banoc manages, and the Cebu Action Group, which I am a member of, actively supports the senatorial bid of Cong. Alejano.

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